Monday, October 7, 2013

Nothing can compare


   Super Croc! This beast is an ancient crocodile that lived during the early Cretaceous period. This monster was 40 ft long, with a 6ft skull! It had 132 teeth and used them to dine on Dinosaurs, fish, and turtles. It weighed about 10 tons and it had 250 bones and bony plates of armor on its back. Its science name was Sarcosuchus Imperator. meaning "flesh crocodile". But despite its name, it wasn't a crocodile species at all. It was a prehistoric crocodile ancestor known as Pholidosaur. The great Deinosuchus was also part of this family, though it was an alligator. Unlike modern crocodiles, Super croc kept growing at a steady pace. The oldest, largest super crocs grew up to at least 40 ft long. But Super croc wasn't the only crocodile that ruled. Boar Croc, a 20ft long croc with 3 rows of teeth also lived then. It ran quickly and charged its prey. Rat croc was 3 ft and ate plants, grubs. I stood upright and had buck teeth like a rat. Pancake croc was 20 ft and had a flat head. It took down prey 3x its size. It was patient and could wait for days. Dog Croc was the size of a dog and like on too. It was herbivore, so it ate plants. Last, Duck croc. It was 3ft, had a long snout, and ate fish, frogs, and other small pond creatures.


My Opinion

    Super croc, in my opinion, is unstoppable. T-rex can't win against this monster. With its stubby little arms, all you would need to do is trip it and it would be vulnerable.  Carcharodontosaurus, another great predator was also 40 ft long. It had an 8 inch long teeth. It also had a 6ft skull, and had a large tail. It had sharp claws, but even this dinosaur was no match for the Super croc. No dinosaur can slay this beast, or is there?

 Top 10 predators that come close to the Super Croc

1. Tyrannosaurus Rex
           "T. Rex was a fully functional killing machine when circumstances demanded, with its five- to eight-ton bulk and huge head studded with numerous, sharp teeth."

2. Utah Raptor
                       "With Utah raptor, the characteristic, single curved claws of the raptor family attained from the raptor family."

                                                           3. Allosaurus
"Allosaurus was a deadlier predator than the  Tyrannosaurus Rex--numerous fossils of this fierce, strong-jawed, three-ton theropod have been found across the western U.S. As deadly as it was though, it wasn't smart."

4. Giganotosauru
     "During the Cretaceous period, the dinosaurs of South America tended to be bigger and fiercer than their counterparts elsewhere on the globe. Exhibit A is Giganotosaurus, an eight-ton, three-fingered, romping, stomping predator. "

 5. Troodon
     "Deadliness isn't simply a matter of size or armament. Troodon weighed only about 150 pounds (about as much as a full-grown human), and it didn't have particularly sharp or scary-looking teeth. What set this theropod apart was its relatively big brain and hunted in packs."

     Carcharodontosaurus was a huge meat eater from the Cretaceous period. This North African carnivore had a massive tail, a bulky body, and heavy bones. Its arms were short and had three-fingered hands with sharp claws. 

 7. Eocarcharia dinops 
       Eocarcharia dinops' brow was swollen into a massive band of bone. The menacing head piece may have been used as a battering ram against rivals. Its blade-shape teeth were reserved for disabling live prey and severing their body parts.

8.Masiakasaurus knopfleri 
    Speared prey with its forward projecting front teeth and then sliced and tore the captives into chewy chunks with its blade like rears.

9.  Mapusaurus roseae
        At about 40 feet long and weighing an estimated 6 tons, Mapusaurus roseae was one of the biggest meat-eating dinosaurs to ever stalk the Earth. Bones of several individuals were discovered in one place, suggesting the giants may have hunted in packs that could have toppled prey.

 10. Spinosaurus
       Spinosaurus is the largest of all known carnivorous dinosaurs, even larger than Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus. These estimates suggest that it was around 16 meters (54 feet) in length and up to 9 tons in weight. It had larger arms than most theropods with long claws used for slashing prey.

My Challenge for you

  Take the dinosaurs from my list and create a scenario that would fit the descriptions of Super croc and the dinosaur. Make the fight and in the comment section, put your fight and the winner! Also, if you have another dinosaur that can compare with the Super croc, list them in the comment section.

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